Welcome to Classical Conversations Masters Class!
My name is Rebekah
McNary and I will be your tutor this year.
It was so great to meet all of you parents last week, and I really look
forward to working with your amazing children this year.
While in class, I ask that children and parents be
respectful to others:
use kind words and encourage one another
listen attentively while the tutor is talking
stay seated unless asked otherwise
parents, please silence your phone or put it on
vibrate while in class and if you must take a call, kindly step outside of the
classroom first, then answer.
nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others
better than yourselves. Each of you
should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of
others. --Philippians 2:3-4
Prepare for weekly CC meeting
Each week we will
have presentations. These should be
prepared by the student and be approximately 3 minutes in length. I
encourage parents to have children practice at home in front of you, a mirror
or stuffed animal.
Be diligent to
memorize the weekly grammar and practice drawing the maps. You will be surprised what you can learn! J
Repeat them again
and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you
are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie
them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write
them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. --Deuteronomy 6:7-9
We will have a short snack time each
morning. Please pack a snack with things that are "brain
food" - water, fruit, yogurt, apple sauce, veggies, nuts, pretzels,
cheese, etc. Avoid snacks that contain a lot of
sugar and are messy. Because of allergies, I do not
like students to share their individual snacks. Please contact me before
bringing edible snacks to share.
*Please let me know if your child has
food allergies! I will ask classroom parents to avoid packing items that can be
deadly to others.
involvement during class is required
and helps the class to run smoothly. Here is a list of ways you can help:
- Distribute materials as needed
- Sit next to children that struggle
with self-control & obedience
- Lovingly redirect behavior that is
- Help with clean-up and set-up as we
move to different activities
- Monitor the bathroom
- Return the classroom to its original
state before we leave for the day
I will need additional help in
these areas
- blob map leader – will lead the
children in learning how to draw maps freehand before class begins (10-15
minutes) as students arrive.
- a weekly photographer – as our class
is participating in new grammar, art, science, etc. please take a couple
of pictures, then return to helping the class. You will be given an email
address to send those pictures to each week.
- filing student pages – the worksheets the students complete during class will be saved for their portfolios. The pages will need to be sorted into the correct files at the end of class.
You are free to contact me by phone, text (just let me know who it is the first time you text me), or email for any reason. If there is ever a need to be addressed or a question that needs to be answered, please let me know! If you have any specific prayer requests, I will be happy to pray with you.
I can’t
wait to see what this year will bring!
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