Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello, Parents and Students!

I had a blast doing week 2 with you guys, today! :-D

Just a week's presentation is an Expository Speech about your family.  It should last 2-3 minutes.  It will be completely factual.  Talk about your family: the names and ages of each member, where you family lives, your family's favorite activities, family memories, and anything else that makes your family unique.  You may use pictures, props, etc...The focus will be Eye Contact. Look at each member of the audience in order to make them feel special and to prepare their hearts for the message you have to share.

Also, please remember to work on your science experiment journal page and your "challenge" art drawing while you are home this week.  I'll be expecting those back next week.

I have a new YouTube playlist for your perusal AND a new warning for you...SEVERAL of these videos are randomly ad-enabled and the ads that popped up on my TV the last 2 days have been HORRIBLE! :-(  ESPECIALLY if you have young children watching, stay nearby and ready to click on "Skip Ad" as that appears.  Feel free to use the videos you like for your family and make a playlist of your own with only those. What I feel is okay for my children may not be for yours. With that out of the's what I've found...
Here's the link to the entire playlist I'm currently using...

I hope you guys have a great week, and I'll see you Tuesday! :-D

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